名城永续 广府弥新
来源:综合新华社、广东广播电视台、广州日报、广州广播电视台新闻报道 发布时间:2023-06-20 15:00:00
6月19日,“名城永续 广府弥新”广州历史文化名城保护与发展高端峰会在穗举行。本次峰会由广州市人民政府、新华社广东分社共同主办,新华社新闻信息中心、新华每日电讯社、瞭望周刊社、广州市政府新闻办、广州市规划和自然资源局、广州市住房和城乡建设局、广州市文化广电旅游局、新华社新闻信息中心广东中心等单位承办。

图片说明:与会嘉宾在广州历史文化名城保护与发展高端峰会启动仪式上 (来源:新华社)







来自南京、九江、漳州、扬州、佛山、中山的名城代表和广州市规划和自然资源局代表、名城联盟、名城守护官和广雅中学学生代表等共同发布了《名城保护广州共识》。广州历史文化名城国际形象片《绣名城 花尽绽》、“广州历史文化名城保护与发展”智库报告也在峰会上发布。




Guangzhou Consensus on Protection of Historic City
To understand China today, one needs to first understand its history.Guangzhou, known as a millennium commercial capital and the starting point of the Maritime Silk Road, is China’s southern gateway to theworld. The city is home to melodious Cantonese Opera and distinct local customs, while the iconic Baiyun Mountain and the Pearl River have witnessed the local people’s ceaseless pursuit of maritime dreams over the past two thousand years. With a pioneering spirit, Guangzhou has upgraded its“Baiyun Mountain and Pearl River” urban pattern into a new framework of “mountain, water, city, farmland and sea”. Meanwhile, it has established a systematic, innovative and fruitful mechanism in protection of historic city, fostering an inspiring environment for carr ying forward the Chinese civilization. Today, we gather here in Guangzhou and forge this consensus.
Over the past four decades,we have been persistently promoting the protection of historic city. Despite the context of urban expansion and accelerated urbanization, cultural relics are preser ved and made “alive”, and the old historical districts are starting to thrive, injecting new vigor
and vitality into the old city... With innovative mindset and after many twists and turns, we have explored a path to success and achieved fruitful results. Yet there are still many new challenges and tests ahead.
To realize high-quality development through our protection efforts, we are now tasked to “revitalize the old city”. In face of the new challenge, we will seek new ways centering on “sustainability and timelessness”, as sustainable development is the common aspiration of mankind for sur vival and development, and our protection efforts will lay a solid material and cultural foundation in this regard. To create what is called timeless, as often quoted in old sayings, we will learn from the past so as to better understand the present and pass down our histor y and culture from generation to generation.
We hereby propose the consensus that, taking people’s well-being as the starting point and final goal, we will make the city a memorable hometown for the people; specifically, a place blessed with ancient and famous trees, meandering arcades and myriad business opportunities; a place where the ancient streets are meticulously preser ved for the old and new residents to live happily together; a place where ever yone can share the commercial prosperity of the city whether they are simply living here or starting a business, without evennoticing it; and a place where the ancient beauty and new charm of the city will be remembered and eulogized by each household and ever yone.
We hereby propose the consensus that we will pursue development through protection and promote protection through development, which means to broaden our historical horizon, carr y forward the traditional wisdom in construction, and realize synergy between protection and development; to better apply new technologies, new materials and new processes to bring histor y and culture into modern life; to further understand the concept of joint care, protection, construction, and governance for shared benefits, promote cross-regional,cross cultural,cross-disciplinary and cross-departmental exchanges and cooperation to revitalize the historic city and revive the historical and cultural heritage.
We hereby propose the consensus that, to protect the historic city means to safeguard the genes and blood of the Chinese nation; to preser ve the non-renewable and irreplaceable resources of the excellent Chinese civilization; to guide the whole society to understand and recognize the Chinese civilization, and to strengthen the aspiration, dignity and confidence of the Chinese people.
We hereby propose the consensus that, to tell the stories of the historic city is to tell the stories of China. We will promote the idea of protectionin a way that is suitable for all ages, both at home and abroad, to create a new name card for the city, strengthen our cultural confidence, and shape a reliable, admirable and respectable image of China.
Let’s work together to explore a new path for the people’s well-being through mutual support and common progress. Let’s create a new future with histor y, and pass on our histor y to the future!